- Produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in a medium close-up plus some appropriately laid out text and a masthead
- Produce a mock up of the layout of the contents page
- Include some relevant pre-production exercises
Images photographed for magazine front cover
This is an edited version of the coloured image below and the one that will be used on the front cover. This is because the sepia colouring adds some age to the image, making it fit the theme of Halloween as it a very ancient and traditional event. The cake shop background is meant to relate to the coverline "Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies", and to help the audience see the rewards they would receive if they choose to pick up the magazine. The hand offering the cakes is also meant to create a sinister invitation to accept the cookies, but in doing so joining the dark side. This also contradicts the image of giving to charity, making the sacrifice feel worth it to the reader.

The coloured version matches the colour scheme of the magazine front cover, which is black, purple, orange and white. The colour version also makes the image, particularly the cakes, stand out more against the purple background of the magazine. However, the image is also only marginally fitting the brief of a medium close-up, hence why the above image was cropped to the suitable length. The use of a student not only fits the brief but also makes the audience feel as though they can relate to her more, rather than an adult or a more sinister character. This image also has some less desirable aspects, such as the man in the background and the tiled ceiling, which takes away the Halloween image, and more of a typical bakery shop.

The second coloured image shows the student not showing much interest in the bakery, not showing the friendly invitation to join the dark side. It also takes away the focus of the cakes, as the student is dressed in darker clothes than her surroundings, making her stand out more. The facial features remain passive, again showing no link with the coverline. This image does show some links to the Halloween theme, such as the decorations in the background and on the windows, but these are sparse.
Images for Contents Page
This image was taken by myself on a school trip in the early hours of the morning. It was taken on a trip to Butser Hill to study what life was like during the medieval period. This image is being used because it adds some colour to the contents page and also partially goes with the colour scheme, with the black outline of the trees.
This image was taken on a media trip to Universal Orlando in the late May period. This image also adds some colour to the contents page and also shows the variety of trips on offer at the college.
The magazine is primarily aimed at 16-18 year old, who are the typical students at college. In this particular issue, it is primarily about raising money for Water Aid the charity through purchasing the magazine. It also advertises SDC's got Talent, and the main stories inside would be achievements by the college, general news and fact files on Water Aid and Britain's Got Talent, as well a variety of activities and competition. Mastheads for the magazine included Kees, Volume and Sound. Kees was selected because of the play on words of unlocking the magazine to retrieve its contents, as every future issue would have a type of give-a-way, such as the cookie vouchers in this issue. The fonts I would use are Cracked (for the masthead), Lucinda Blackletter and Apple Chancery to enforce the Halloween theme, as both were quite cryptic fonts.The tagline of this edition 'Come to the Dark Side. We Have Cookies' gives the magazine a playful and more appealing edge to the front cover. This particular edition would be on offer from the end of October to the beginning of November because of its theming of Halloween and it also gives the students some time to redeem their cookie vouchers. The main image will be sepia and show a student in medium close-up range with a bakery behind them. This is image will be retrieved by primary photography. The magazine as a whole would be published every term, with a different theme and different charity to raise money for, as well as news on the college progress throughout the year. The size of the magazine would be A4. The colour scheme of this particular edition is black, orange, purple and white, and this would vary every issue depending on the theme. Additional images may include pumpkins, bats and witch's broomsticks to fit with the theme and these would also change every issue depending on the theme.
Front Cover Development

This was my initial mock up of the front cover design. It does have a medium close up shot of a student and has an appropriate masthead. The articles are all relevant to events at the college and the colour scheme is consistent throughout the whole page. At this stage, I was learning to use the programme and as such included many of the different features in this initial design. I also used a wide variety of fonts to emphasise different information, such as dates, places and titles. The image of the pumpkin is to reinforce a halloween theme and also matches the colour of the masthead. The contrast of colours against backgrounds makes all of the information stand out and the variety of fonts shows different aspects of information e.g. the masthead 'Kees' is the only one in a cracked font, making it stand out and it would also be the one consistent feature throughout all of the magazines.

The enlargement of the image makes the cover have a more magazine appearance than a poster. The masthead has been put on the top of the page to make it more obvious as the title of the magazine. There is also the addition of the barcode and the pumpkin image was changed to a witch on a broomstick because it matches the colour scheme and gives a stenciled effect against the orange background. None of the shapes have been changed from the first draft, but they have been rearranged into a more spread out appearance.
The masthead of the magazine has been changed to make it more obvious that it is a student magazine, which is what the brief requested.
Contents Page Development
This is the initial layout of the contents page. Similarly to the front cover, it has a orange and black masthead with the title of the magazine on it. It also has the contrast of the white font on the black shape. The background is purple because it is a part of the colour scheme that hasn't been used fully on the front cover.
This contents page has had the information on where certain articles are throughout the magazine added. The white box is slightly see-through so that images that will be put behind it will still be visible. The font size is a variety of sizes to make certain aspects stand out more than others, such as the advertisement for free cookie vouchers compared with the news, which would be a more common aspect of the magazine, as needs less advertising.

In this edition, an image of a school trip has been added to the page to create a more interesting background and also advertises the photography competition and events page.
This is the final mock up of the contents page. A second image has been added to add some colour to the page. The black silhouette of the trees in the image allows the image to match the colour scheme. It also contrasts with the white opaque box which contains all of the information and makes this text visible. The orange and black masthead helps to make it stand out against the purple background. The contrast of white on black also makes the contents page banner standout.